Warren Wiersbe

Remembering Warren Wiersbe, May 16, 1929 – May 2, 2019

Today, we, along with many others around the world, mourn the loss of CLC’s friend and author, Warren Wiersbe. But we rejoice at the race he ran and take comfort in knowing that he has been released from his earthly duties after almost 90 years, and is now with his Savior and Friend in Glory! We are grateful for his friendship over the years and for his trust in allowing us to publish several of his books. Below is a personal note from Jim Pitman, who had the privilege of working with him.

“I first came to know of Warren while working in our CLC Bookstore in Philadelphia. I picked up some of his “Be” series commentaries and found them to be excellent and easy to understand. We recommended them to customers, and they became our best-selling commentary series.

Several years later, when I had transitioned into serving as publisher for CLC, our author and friend Michael Catt suggested I call Warren about publishing some of his books. “Do you think he’d publish with us?” I asked. I figured he must be tied tightly to book deals with others as he had published over a hundred books by that time. I don’t know if Warren used email or not, but it seemed the only way I could reach him was by phone, and I was surprised when he not only took my call but when he agreed to publish with us! We worked on 5 books with Warren including a beautiful coffee table book called Expert Lifemanship which was co-authored and illustrated by photographer Ken Jenkins.

From pastoring at the historic Moody Memorial Church, to teaching at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, to teaching on the Back to the Bible Radio Ministry, Wiersbe’s life was well-spent for Christ. We are grateful for him.” 

A well-known international Bible conference teacher with a heart for mission, Dr. Warren Wiersbe was a former pastor of Moody Church in Chicago. He was associated with Back to the Bible for ten years as a Bible teacher, and served for five of those years as general director. Dr. Wiersbe is the author of more than 150 books, including the best-selling “BE” commentary. He was known as a “pastors’ pastor,” and his speaking, writing and radio ministries brought new understandings of the truths of God’s Word to people around the world.

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