CLC Publications Spring Summer Releases

CLC Publications Spring/Summer Releases!

Check out our latest releases!


The Secret of Fellowship

The Secret of Fellowship 9781619582989


Part of his classic Secret Series devotionals, Andrew Murray wrote this month-long devotional to emphasize the necessity of daily fellowship with God. He teaches in The Secret of Fellowship that without taking this daily time to come into His presence, feel your weakness and need, and wait upon the Lord, you cannot fully experience the joy and power of God’s Holy Spirit in your daily life.



The Secret of Inspiration

The Secret of Inspiration 9781619583009


Part of Andrew Murray’s classic Secret Series devotionals, The Secret of Inspiration includes extracts from the writings of William Law along with Murray’s own challenging messages and thoughtful prayers. Murray wrote this book with the intention that God would teach His church, and every reader, the threefold blessing of the power of the Spirit of God, the spirit of love, and the spirit of prayer.



The Secret of the Cross

The Secret of the Cross 9781619582965


Part of his classic Secret Series devotionals, Andrew Murray wrote this month-long devotional to help Christians discover the truth that death to self and the world is necessary for a life in the love and joy of Christ. Murray teaches in The Secret of the Cross that without this death God’s love and holiness cannot have their dwelling place in our hearts.





Bitter Water to Fine Wine: Turning Setbacks into Setups

Bitter Water to Fine Wine: Turning Setbacks into Setups 9781619583023Do you need a miracle? Let Bishop Grannum’s story inspire you to trust God in your bitter waters.

No matter who we are or what stage of life we’re in, life is always a little different than we expect it to be. People disappoint, circumstances change, and we’re left wondering what God is up to during all of this.

Bishop Milton C. Grannum understands this well. But he’s also had experiences that prove God is not absent during these times, but instead, is working in the background to do a great miracle. Using the Wedding in Cana as a starting point, Bishop Grannum shows how Christ can change the bitterest setbacks of life into sweet setups for victory and growth—but only if we let go and give Him full control.



Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Life Molded by the Cross

Jessie Penn-Lewis Molded by the Cross 9781619583047

As a physically weak child, there was no indication of the great ways God would use Jessie Penn-Lewis. Over the course of Jessie’s incredible life, she was involved in the 1904–1905 Welsh Revival, founded the Overcomer magazine, traveled around the world teaching her message, and wrote more than twenty books. The main aim of Jessie Penn-Lewis – A Life Molded by the Cross is to show how God dealt with and poured life through His servant—and how He longs to do the same for you and me.






Life in the Spirit

Life in the Spirit Jessie Penn Lewis 9781619583061



In this book, author Jessie Penn-Lewis seeks to give readers a better understanding of how to live in the Spirit, and what that means, to obtain victory in life, as well as exposing some of the methods of the enemy.






Ignite: Carrying the Flame from the Upper Room to the Nations

Ignite: Carrying the Flame from the Upper Room to the Nations 9781619583085



Ignite is brimming with kingdom-building prayer principles that have stood the test of time. Explore the five Upper Room miracles that are the marks of every healthy church, and learn field-tested strategies to mobilize missional prayer in your church, your family, and your own life.


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