Run for Cover (Book Recommendation)

We have heard a lot of people referencing Psalm 91 recently, and we thought, “Hey, we’ve got a book about that!”  Run for Cover by Rhea Briscoe delves deeply into this frequently-quoted Bible passage about God’s protection. Consider picking up a copy of this resource from CLC Publications for coping with these present days while developing spiritual benefits for the future.


“Psalm 91 is a reassuring picture of God’s divine protection promised to those who run to Him for cover.  It offers a source of comfort and security for people today.  It’s a psalm about God being our refuge and our shelter.  It highlights the assurance of His protection and the safety that can be found in His Presence.”  Rhea Briscoe author of Run for Cover


Run for Cover 9781619582231At times, we run from relationship to relationship in search of something real, something deeper.  Run for Cover uses Psalm 91 to teach that what we seek, true intimacy, can only be found in the presence of God.  First-time author and widely sought-after speaker Rhea Briscoe, takes readers through the psalm, highlighting each symbol and metaphor and includes compelling real-life narrative.  Run for Cover asserts that the best place to grow closer to God and find shelter from the trials of this world is in the safest place—in the presence and protection of God.

Purchase Run for Cover by Rhea Briscoe – Now on sale for only $8!


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